Carex sparganioides L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,03 g
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Loose-headed bracted sedge (Bur-reed Sedge) - Carex sparganioides.
A perennial of the Cyperaceae family.
Native to: Eastern Canada, much of the eastern and central United States (in Maine, it is commonly found in deciduous or mixed forests).
Flowering plant height: 45-100 cm (contains teardrop-shaped seed sacs inside ovoid spikelets).
Soil requirements: moist, marshy.
Hardiness zones: Z2 - Z7.
Uses: Suitable for cutting, as an aquatic or marsh plant. Also used to stabilize soil on shaded slopes.

Carex sparganioides, Bur reed Sedge, Осока тростниковая

* Bur Reed sedge has high ecological significance. It is able to retain and purify water bodies from pollutants, as well as retain and accumulate organic waste. Thanks to its root systems, reed sedge strengthens coastal slopes and prevents their erosion. This plant also helps increase biodiversity by creating favorable conditions for the habitation of various species of animals and plants.
Bur-reed sedge has a wide range of uses. It is used in landscape design to create water gardens, lakes and ponds. The plant is used to restore the coastal zones of rivers and lakes, as well as to slow down the flow of water to prevent soil erosion.
Bur reed sedge is also used in agriculture as feed for domestic animals, and its fibers can be used in the textile industry to produce durable and elastic fabric.

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